Saturday, August 8, 2009

yes, I am judging you

The point of this post is NOT to point fingers, but to give parents back a little bit of what they are missing. Control.

Now I am NOT John Rose-whatever who spanks and punishes and "grounds" and regularly advises parents to engage in power struggles with children (mistake #1). Newsflash- they've got all day to throw that tantrum. No pressing engagements when you are in kindergarten. The rest of us need to finish buying groceries, pick up other kids (mistake #2), go to work, etc. We don't have time to win the game. Adults have shit to do. So don't play the game.

As your child's teacher, I see things everyday that I put in my "I will never do that" file in the back of my mind. Yes, I am judging you. And I don't mean I am judging you when you come flying in with coffee down the front of your suit and your kid is wearing their Dora dress for the 6th day in a row and your shirt is tucked in your pantyhose (mistake #3, hygiene 101). Kiss your kid, wave a little and dash away. We all have those days. I am also not judging you the day after book club, when you have huge bags under your eyes and you still smell like chablis and fake intellectualism. I get that. We all have those days, too.

What I don't get is spending 10 minutes pleading with your child to give mummy back her cellphone. Mummy needs it, honey. Please. Mummy has to go now. Please. I am rolling my eyes and checking the watch. I am betting on Sally- Mum doesn't have a prayer. After watching your pathetic display, I shrug my shoulders and walk on out. "Sally, give mum the phone and come in to start your day." Sally is looking at us, back and forth. "That's right Sally, listen to Ms. X, give Mummy the phone." Sally at this point will decide one of two things. She wants to go in and draw in her journal and maybe play a computer game. Sally gives mum the phone and skips in to start her day.'s just too much fun to fuck with Mummy and in front of other grown-ups, too. Cue the tantrum. Okay, this is where I walk the line of diplomat and taskmaster. "Christine, why don't you take the phone, don't snatch it, but unpeel her fingers and take it. Say goodbye and go on to work." Mum is hesitating. "Christine, she'll probably scream and cry but in 5 minutes she'll be fine and you'll be 5 minutes less late to work." I am still using the voice I use with the kids but Christine doesn't notice. Finally, she leans over and takes the phone. Sally screams on cue. I wave goodbye to mum who is embarrassed but on her way. What is wrong with this scene? Getting your own phone from your child should not be as difficult as hostage negotiations. And why do I have to interfere?

You are in charge of your child. Man up. Say no. Let them scream. I know you think when your child is screaming people think you have no control. That's not true. After a few tantrums, they will figure it out. Tantrums aren't working. Then they'll find a new way to embarrass you. And you'll just have to deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. Pesan baju seragam tk sekarang semakin mudah karena bisa pesan baju seragam dengan Motif dan model sesuai selera kita
