Saturday, August 15, 2009

Go Fuck Yourself

Facebook, I love thee. And hate thee.
Because every dickhead I have ever dated is having a midlife crisis.
And sending pathetic messages like this.

Subject: sorry Im sorry about the emails that not fair of me! All I know is I am a different man and i have never fell out of love with you I miss and think about you everyday, just wish I had made some different decisions in my life and I was waking up with you in my arms every morning singing in your ear.

PS- are they trying to be ee cummings or are are they illiterate? What was I thinking? Why can't they spell or punctuate? How did I not notice that?


  1. certain people need to be kicked in the throat.

    that's all.

    love you.

  2. this is SO MUCH better than the alternative.
    i have ex boyfriends friending me just to show me dozens of their albums filled with wedding and new baby pictures. puke.
    it's totally ridiculous, but i would SO prefer for them to be rocking back and forth in the dark pining away for me. is that wrong?

  3. I love the "singing in your ear" part of his doucey message. What a keeper!!!
